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         Maya McClean 

       Nandy McClean 

Growing up in a single parent home, Maya and Nandy's mother always encouraged them ​to follow their dreams.

After having that influence and support they created a career in the entertainment industry as singers, dancers and actors performing in Disney's stage show 'The Lion King', Baz Luhrmann's film 'Moulin Rouge', and touring and performing with major music artists such Rihanna, Chris Brown, and the one and only Prince.


Their mother gave them the courage to follow their dreams and live a life they love, so now they want to pay it forward. After developing their coaching skills for the past four years through Landmark Education, their next dream is to serve others in having a life they truly love, by assisting in having their clients dreams become a reality. 



Why I Became A Life Coach

I became a life coach for one provide a space for people to be empowered.

I have learnt a great deal about myself through my own personal development, and experienced happiness, love, success and fulfilment. Now I want others to have the same. 

All it takes is for you to believe that it is possible. Having a personal life coach gives you access to the suppport you need to get started on your path to success. I will get you to stop listening to and believing the disempowering

 thoughts that hold you back.


I am here to re-empower you. 




Why I Became A Life Coach

The reason I coach is very simple; I used to walk around this earth miserable and didn't know it until I really became committed to taking responsibility for myself, my inner transformation and growth. Since then my whole world has changed. The level of my personal happiness has expanded through the roof and my outer world has changed tremendously as a result.


Now that I know what is available to me, I am committed to sharing these tools with others and providing a space for people to find themselves, create the life of their dreams and have the courage to live it. 

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